06 January 2013

Spicy tomato-garlic-black & white bean pita pizza

So, um, fuck this was good. Seriously. I'm not one to self-promote or gloat, and as you all know, I've said straight-out when some of these recipes had some problems. But just look at this brute. I dare you not to start drooling.

Here's how to make this glorious creation.

Spicy tomato-garlic-black & white bean pita pizza

1 tbsp   olive oil
about 1/3   white onion, finely chopped
1 clove   garlic, minced
6   grape/cherry tomatoes, quartered
dash   thyme
dash   oregano
dash   coriander
dash   cumin
dash   black pepper

Preheat oven to 500 F. Meanwhile, sautée all these ingredients above together in a medium frying pan on medium heat, starting with the oil (don't crank the heat up more than medium because of olive oil's low smoke point), then in a minute adding the onion and the spices, then in another minute the garlic, then the tomatoes. Fry it all together until the onions are golden brown and the tomatoes are soft and just a little squishy.

While that's frying, you're going to want to make your garlic white bean purée. (Oh yeah, did I mention this would replace the cheese? Don't worry, you won't mind. Trust me.)

In a bowl, combine...

1/3 of a 14 oz. can   white beans, drained (or you can use an equivalent amount of dried white beans, cooking them up beforehand according to the directions on the bag... dried beans are tastier but more time-consuming)
2 tbsp   olive oil
1/3   lime, squeezed
dash    garlic salt
2 tsp   almond milk (or some other non-dairy milk) (for a bit of extra creaminess)

until it becomes paste-like. I recommend using a potato masher for this task to speed up the process.

Assembling the pizza!

You're going to need, in addition to the stuff above:

1   medium-sized pita
1-1/2 tbsp (roughly)   canola oil
1/4 of a 19 oz. can   black beans, drained (again, you can use an equivalent amount of dried beans)
6   pickled jalapeno slices, halved
dash   red pepper flakes

Lay out a medium-sized pita on a pizza pan. Spread it all the way to the outer edges with canola oil. Spread out the garlic white bean purée on top of that, but not quite to the very edge of the pita. Sprinkle black beans evenly around the pita. Take a spoon and drop the tomato-garlic-onion-spice mixture onto the pita, spreading it out evenly. Sprinkle the jalapeno slices above that and garnish with the red pepper flakes.

Pop it in the oven for about 8 minutes or until the outer edge of the pita appears to start browning.

Slice into four and serve it up with a cool beverage. Bam! Seriously, here's another picture of this joyous slice of joy.


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